Sunday, July 3, 2011

My friendship story for the day

So I have this friend

We’ve known each other for 11 years

I haven’t seen her in 5.

Each year we wish each other a happy birthday

Each year we make plans to go to lunch so we can catch up

And each time our plans fall through.

Last night I was able to see her for a little while at Freedom Fest.

I don’t have many regrets in life but one of them is that I haven’t stayed close with certain people in my life as we have gotten older.

Now I'm making plans to go to lunch with this friend

This time it's different because I know we're actually going to go.

Not because I regret drifting apart

but because being friends with someone for almost half of your life means something.

Plus if someone's still your friend when you look like a boy they must be a pretty good friend!
(sorry for the scanner is at my mom's house)