Sunday, February 20, 2011

Big Wave

Well here I am. I'm blogging. Not sure how or why it happened but here I am. I'm not even going to try to figure out how this came about because stranger things have been happening to me lately. Take Friday morning for example: I wake up for work and nearly trip on a pair of shoes laying on the floor next to my bed. How did they get there you ask? The only thing I remember is getting out of bed and putting my shoes on so I could do something that, at the time, thought was important. Did I actually go somewhere? I have no idea. I like to think my slumbering heart lives its own life that my waking one has no idea about. That everything I feel I can't do in my everyday life happens in my sleep to keep me sane! With that said, I hope you enjoy this blog about the odds and ends that are indeed my life.



  1. your sleepwalking kinda creeps me out! remember coming upstairs and opening the soda? haha.

  2. haha yeah i have some pretty crazy stories. as long as i don't leave the house i'm okay with it!
