Monday, February 27, 2012


Things I've learned/re-learned this past week:

1. Never underestimate the value of getting to know someone for who they are rather than who you assume they are.
2. You can never hug enough.
3. Get over your pride and call that person you miss because what happens if they never call you?
4. Take time to ponder the world. Yesterday morning I was driving somewhere I've been a million times when I realized I had driven three exits passed the one I needed. Guess I just got caught up in my pondering!
5. We all have people that we need. Sometimes we just don't want to admit it.
6. "In the absence of gratitude we all feel alone."
7. It's not what we take on that makes us great but what we give up.
8. Every hour of the day and night is an unspeakably perfect miracle.
9. Acceptance needs to be a two way street.
10. Love is always the answer, it's just circumstances that change.

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